Although control of multiple risk factors is essential to prevent FD with and without DM, longitudinal studies are scarce that directly and quantitatively compare effects of such control. Thus, we assessed whether reaching multifactorial targets for HbA1c, blood pressure, non-HDLC, and lifestyle risks such as smoking and no physical activity are associated with FD in those with and without DM.

Enrolled were 9652 Japanese aged 39-98 y. FD was defined based on the Japanese long-term care insurance system, and targets were based on ADA and Japanese guidelines.

Of 8,861 non-DM persons, 6.3, 25.2 and 49.1% were on target for 0-2, 3 and 4 factors, respectively. Of 791 persons with DM, 12.4, 68.0 and 19.3% were on target for 0-2, 3-4 and 5 factors, respectively.

Multivariate Cox analysis showed increased FD with decreased targets reached regardless of DM (Table, upper). Compared with people with non-DM who achieved 4 targets, non-DM persons who achieved 0 to 2 targets and DM persons who achieved 3 to 4 targets had nearly twice the incidence of FD (Table, lower). Moreover, people with DM who achieved only 0 to 2 targets had an approximately 4 times higher incidence of FD (Table, lower). Control of modifiable risk factors was effective regardless of DM. Achievement of all 5 targets among people with DM may reduce FD to the same level as in non-DM persons who achieved all 4 targets.


H. Shiozaki: None. K. Fujihara: None. K. Tsuruoka: None. I. Ikeda: None. M. Kitazawa: None. Y. Matsubayashi: None. M. Yamamoto: None. T. Yamada: None. S. Kodama: None. H. Sone: Research Support; Novo Nordisk, Astellas Pharma Inc., Kowa Company, Ltd., Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd., Eisai Inc., Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd.


the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (21K11569); Daiwa Securities Health Foundation

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