Introduction & Objectives: To evaluate whether medical care for and level of cardiovascular risk factors differ in primary prevention between adult men and women with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in two European countries in 2020-2022.

Methods: We included 2657 participants from the DPV registry (Germany, mean age 40±15, diabetes duration 23±14 years; 50.9% men) and 1172 from the SFDT1 study (France, age 39±14, diabetes duration 22±13 years; 53.2% men).

Results: HbA1c levels and body mass indexes were similar in women and men with similar proportions of HbA1c<7% (DPV: 36.6 vs. 33.0%, respectively; SFDT1: 22.8 vs. 24.9%; both n.s.). Women had less overweight in DPV (55.4 vs. 61.0%, p<0.05) but not in SFDT1 (48.0 vs. 44.9%, n.s.) and were less prone to smoke (DPV: 19.7 vs. 25.8%, p<0.05; SFDT1: 21.0 vs. 26.0%, n.s.). Systolic blood pressure was lower in women than men (DPV: 124±15 vs. 129±15; SFDT1: 121±16 vs. 126±14mmHg, both p<0.05) with similar rates of antihypertensive therapy in case of systolic/diastolic blood pressure ≥140/90mmHg (DPV: 70.5 vs. 63.6%; SFDT1: 73.3 vs. 68.6%, both n.s.). In case of microalbuminuria, ACEi-ARB were less prescribed in women than men in DPV (21.4 vs 37.6%, p<0.05) but not SFDT1 (70.6 vs 62.0%, n.s.). In women compared to men, HDL-cholesterol levels were higher; triglycerides lower and LDL-cholesterol similar in DPV and SFDT1. In those with LDL-cholesterol >130 mg/dL (DPV: 19.9 vs. 23.9%; SFDT1 17.0 vs. 19.2%, both n.s.), statin therapy was less prescribed in women than men in DPV (7.9 vs. 17.0%, p<0.05), SFDT1 (18.2 vs. 21.0%, n.s.).

Conclusion: Women in primary prevention have a better cardiovascular risk profile than men in both studies. We observed a high rate of therapeutic inertia, which might be higher in women for statin and nephroprotection with ACEi-ARB especially in Germany.


E. Cosson: Advisory Panel; Abbott, AstraZeneca, Lilly Diabetes, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Roche Diagnostics, Novartis AG, Amgen Inc. M. Auzanneau: Other Relationship; Insulet Corporation. G.A. Aguayo: None. W. Karges: None. J. Riveline: Board Member; Abbott, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi, Eli Lilly and Company, Medtronic, Dexcom, Inc., Insulet Corporation, Air Liquide, AstraZeneca. P. Augstein: None. L. Sablone: None. P.M. Jehle: None. G. Fagherazzi: Speaker's Bureau; Sanofi. Advisory Panel; Timkl, SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc., Vitalaire, Roche Diabetes Care. R.W. Holl: None.

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