Aim: Identify biomarker that predicts risk of liver fibrosis (LF). Analyse role of FiB4 score in detecting LF.
Methods: Between Oct’ 22 & Mar’ 23, 66 T2DM patients (waist cmf > 80 cms (F) > 90 cms (M) receiving dapagliflozin irrespective of A1c & who underwent liver fibroscan (Lfib) were retrospectively analysed & studied. LF was performed by Lfib using ARFI. Metavir LF staging classified pt’s: F0 (N); F1 (N - mild); F2 (Mild - mod); F3 (mod - severe); F4 (cirrhosis). Wt-Kg, systolic/diastolic BP (mmHg), Lipid profile mg/dl (TC, LDL-C, TG, HDL), Hs-crp mg/L, LFT, NT-ProBNP pg/ml, eGFR (Cyst-C) & UACR mg/gm were recorded 2-3 mthly & data presented over 1 yr. Exclusion: Preg, <3 mths illness/hospitalisation, alcoholism, hep B, C & autoimmune hepatitis (if LFT was raised). Statistics: ANOVA - compared parameters within stages of LF. One-Way ANOVA, followed by post-hoc Tukey test compared mean TG levels within LF stages. Pearson Chi-square test (comparison of two non-parametric variables) & Spearman rho’s (correlation between Fib4 & LF stages) was used with P-value <0.05 considered statistically significant (S).
Results: Baseline (B) characters: Males 86.4%, avg (age 56.88<u>+</u>8.82, Wt 83.72<u>+</u>11.96, A1c 7.77<u>+</u>1.54, TG 164.16<u>+</u>90.82, hs-CRP 2.57<u>+</u>2.83, GGT 49<u>+</u>51.96 SGPT 40.44<u>+</u>25.89, NT-ProBNP 46.65<u>+</u>45.71, UACR 33.43<u>+</u>99.55 & eGFRCys-C 84.98<u>+</u>20.55. (B) - 1 yr: S reduction in Wt, DBP, A1c, TC, LDL, TG, hs-CRP, SGPT. (B) TG was S different between stages of LF {140.88<u>+</u>71.98 (F0), 143.92<u>+</u>54.32 (F1), 344.33<u>+</u>76.22(F2), 178<u>+</u>51.34 (F3), 259.83<u>+</u>153.64 (F4) p-0.001}. TG >128 (p-0.041) was found S for detecting LF (F2-F4, sensitivity 73.53% & specificity 53.13%). SGPT & GGT (>50) was associated with LF severity (F2-F4), likelihood ratio -4.477 (p-0.031). No correlation was found between FiB4 & stages of LF.
Conclusion: Serum TG is a better predictor compared to FiB4 score in detecting LF in Indian patients with T2DM.
V. Gupta: None.