The olfactory receptor Olfr109 is activated in diabetic models and then impairs islet β cell functions. Antagonizing Olfr109 is a new potential therapeutic strategy to treat diabetes. Previous studies showed that pepducin o109-i2-2 targeting Olfr109 improved islet function and glucose homeostasis. To further obtain the higher potency antagonists, we rationally designed the peptide antagonists targeting Olfr109. We successfully convert the peptide agonist insB 9:23 to the antagonist Ssc-S(R) by combining mutations and non-natural amino acid substitution at specific positions. Importantly, the combined antagonist of Ssc-S(R) had a more significant effect on the improvement of glucose metabolism in diabetic mice. In response to Ssc-S(R), the decreased insulin secretion and increased endoplasmic reticulum stress were significantly alleviated. Therapeutic administration of Ssc-S(R) could significantly ameliorate intra-islet inflammatory responses and improved glucose homeostasis in both Akita and HFD-fed mice. Notably, no significant differences were observed in ins2 WT/Akita Olfr109-/- mice and HFD-fed Olfr109-/- mice. Taken together, we have developed the Olfr109-specific antagonist Ssc-S(R), which may provide new clues for the treatment of islet inflammation and diabetes.


X. Ge: None. J. Cheng: None. Z. Yang: None. X. Yu: None. J. Sun: None.

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