Aim & Object: One of the non invasive test is exercise tolerance test which carried out to identify prediction of severity of coronary artery disease and to assess the risk of major cardiac events. To establish prediction of coronary artery disease in patient having diabetic patient who performed exercise tolarence test by SYNTAX score.

Methodology: There were 520 patients included in this study, who were divided into groups based on their Duke tread mill scores. Diabetic patients with high Duke Treadmill score (DTS) (≤-11) were categorized in group I and diabetic patients with medium ( -10 to +4) and low Duke Treadmill score(≥+ 5) were included in group II.

Results: The mean age of the study population was 55.2 ± 9.0 years ranging from 18-75 years, According to the study, 52.58% of Group I patients were 51-65 years old, had more triple vessel disease, and had left main disease with or without other vessel involvement, which was significantly statistically significant (p=0.001).Patients with triple vessel disease had higher in SYNTAX score> 22 than SYNTAX score < 22 which was statistically significant (p=0.001). Diabetic patients with DTS < -11 (high-risk group) carry more than 8.1(95% CI = 5.91 - 14.04)-fold higher risk of having severe CAD (SYNTAX score > 22) than those with DTS ≥ -10 (low & medium risk) (p < 0.001). It is evident from DTS as well as SYNTAX score that they exhibit a significant negative correlation (r = - 0.541, p 0.0001).

Conclusion: By calculating SYNTAX scores, it was found that high DTS is positively correlated with severity of coronary artery disease. Cardiovascular disease is predicted in patients who score high on the Duke Treadmill.


S.D.M. Taimur: None.

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