Introduction & Objective: This study investigated clinical parameters in a real-world population of Chinese individuals with T2D treated with IDegAsp in routine clinical practice.

Methods: This 20-week, prospective, single-arm, open-label, non-interventional study (NCT05221580) included adults with T2D receiving anti-hyperglycemic treatment (oral antidiabetic drugs [OADs] only, basal insulin [±OAD], basal-bolus insulin [±OAD], premixed insulin [±OAD] or glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) ± insulin [±OAD]), initiating or switching to IDegAsp. Primary endpoint: change in HbA1c from baseline (BL) to end of study (EOS). Secondary endpoints: change in fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and hypoglycemic episode incidence.

Results: Of 878 adults (57.4% male; mean age 59.6 yrs), patients generally received IDegAsp once (47.2%) or twice (52.2%) daily. Initiating/switching to IDegAsp significantly lowered mean [95% CI] HbA1c (-1.27% [-1.36;-1.19], p<0.0001), with similar decreases in all prior treatment groups (Figure). Mean [95% CI] FPG fell significantly (-1.61 mmol/L [-1.81;-1.41], p<0.0001). Non-severe hypoglycemic episodes in last 20 wks were reduced at EOS vs BL (45 vs 115 patients).

Conclusion: Initiating/switching to IDegAsp improved glycemic control in a real-world population of Chinese adults with T2D.


L. Guo: Consultant; Abbott, AstraZeneca, Bayer Inc., Boehringer-Ingelheim, Eli Lilly and Company, Hengrui (USA) Ltd., Dreisamtech, Dongbao, Gan & Lee, Hansoh. L. Chen: None. F. Zhao: None. X.Y. Liu: None. H. Ding: None. K. Wang: None. Z. Xing: None. V. Shankarappa: Employee; Novo Nordisk A/S. G. Chaudhary: None.


Novo Nordisk

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