Aim: Previous studies proved that glucose variability (GV) affected the relationship between TIR and glucose management indicator (GMI) in T2D patients with poor glycemic control. This study aimed to explore whether GV indexes affect the relationship between TIR and GMI in T2D patients with TIR > 70%.

Methods: Data were collected from T2D patients who received 6-day CGM between January 2018 and March 2023. TIR, GMI and GV indexes were obtained from CGM system. A linear regression equation was generated with values of TIR and GMI. Patients were then divided into three subgroups according to the tertile of different GV indexes. Predicted TIR in given GMI was calculated via the linear regression equations in different subgroups.

Results: A total of 216 T2D patients (age: 54.3±14.1 years old, median diabetes duration: 89.1 months, HbA1c: 8.1±2.2%, and TIR: 86.1±9.0%) were included. There was a strong negative correlation between TIR and GMI (r=-0.763, P<0.001). The slopes of regression lines fitted to TIR values as a function of GMI differed significantly for individuals with varying degrees of different GV indexes. For a given GMI, the predicted TIR values varied in different tertiles of GV indexes (Table 1).

Conclusions: Even in T2D patients with TIR > 70%, GV indexes mediated the relationship between TIR and GMI. Thus, GV indexes should be taken into consideration when setting an individualized target of TIR.


Y. Yang: None. Z. Liu: None. D. Chen: None. B. Lin: None. W. Jiang: None. J. Yan: None. L. Zeng: None. W. Xu: None.

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