Brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity is linked to improved cardiometabolic health, and acute stimulation of BAT has been shown to reduce glycemia and triglyceridemia, which is protective against metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. However, most BAT-stimulating protocols involve deliberate cold exposure or sympathomimetic drugs. Although effective, these methods can increase cardiovascular risk by increasing general sympathetic tone. Our lab has developed a model to selectively activate the sympathetic nerves controlling BAT activity in mice, and we are now dissecting the contribution of BAT activity to systemic metabolism without affecting other peripheral organs. We have used a combination of genetically engineered mouse lines, neurotrophic viruses, chemogenetics, metabolic recordings, and next generation sequencing to carefully study how the sympathetic nervous system controls different aspects of BAT activity. Our results show that the selective acute activation of BAT-projecting sympathetic nerves improves glucose tolerance in mice. This acute stimulation also increases total energy expenditure and lowers the respiratory exchange ratio, which is consistent with increased BAT activity. Finally, we show that the transcriptomic profile of BAT in these mice is in line with expected changes associated with increased BAT activity. BAT represents one of the most promising targets for new therapeutics to restore euglycemia. Our novel approach to selective sympathetic regulation pinpoints the undisputed role of BAT to whole-body glucose and energy management in mice. This targeted activation holds promises for novel therapies against type 2 diabetes while circumventing potential cardiovascular risks associated with traditional BAT stimulation methods.


D. Neri: None. A. Fohn: None. M. Heine: None. A. Worthmann: None. X. Chen: None. J. Heeren: None. L.M. Zeltser: None.


R01DK125094; P01AG032959

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