Introduction & Objective: Diverse sociodemographic profiles play a pivotal role in shaping health behaviours. This survey presents the lifestyle habits and health profiles among different socio-economic populations in India.

Methods: A pan-Indian survey using social media and awareness camps, collected demographics, BMI, and health history. responses on BMI perception, lifestyle practices, and obesity awareness. Participants were categorized by residence, education, and occupation.

Results: In a survey of 60,327 individuals with a male-to-female ratio of 1.9, 65% in the age group of 30-60 years (M:F), ~79% from urban/semi-urban areas, 63% were employed (78.4% M). Majority of the students (76.6%) and employed (56.8%) had at least a bachelor’s degree. No schooling was the highest among unemployed (22%) and homemakers (16%). Obesity was higher among home makers (70%) and lowest among students (42%); diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol was highest among the retired (70.1%, 59.9%, 32.5%), followed by homemakers (67.7%, 45.5%, 25.8%). BMI distribution (overweight, obese) was (44.7%, 3.1%) in rural; (42.2%, 2.8%) in semi-urban and (45.2%, 2.1%) in urban. Longer screen times were in urban [weekdays (3.3% > 10h, 15.1 6-10h) and weekends (3.0% >10h, 16.5% 6-10h)] and students [weekdays (5.9% >10h; 17.6% 6-10h) and weekends (5.6% >10h; 26.5% 6-10h)]. Similarly, for order-in frequency, urban dwellers had at least one meal per week (76.1%) and students (82%) had at least one meal per week and 25% had more than two meals per week. Urban dwellers (57.3%), Students (60%) and employed (58%) individuals liked to exercise for at least 30 min a day. Obesity prevalence remained comparable across education levels (~64-68%), with weight loss efforts and willingness to receive weight loss information increasing with higher education (master’s degree ~35%).

Conclusion: Lifestyle, wellness, and management varies across diverse sociodemographic groups in India.


N. Deshpande: None. R.M. Parikh: None. R.K. Sahay: Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., USV Private Limited, Eris Lifesciences Ltd. S. Agarwal: None. N. Kapoor: None. B. Makkar: None. L. Murthy: None.

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