Objective: Determine if real-time CGM increases glucose TIR compared to current standard care of GDM using self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG; ~4 times per day).

Methods: Randomized (2:1), open label trial comparing real-time CGM to SMBG alone (with blinded CGM) to manage persons w/ GDM. Subjects with <7 days of CGM data were excluded. Primary outcome: glucose TIR (60-140mg/dL) from randomization to delivery admission, comparing the CGM to SMBG group using two-sample t-tests.

Results: After exclusions, CGM n=74 & SMBG n=37 were randomized. There were no differences in demographics or gestational age at enrollment (265/7±55/7 vs 282/7±45/7 weeks, P=0.154). Significantly more glucose TIR in CGM than the SMBG arm; driven by higher daytime TIR & lower time >140 mg/dL.

Conclusion: Persons with GDM achieve higher TIR using real-time CGM compared to SMBG alone.


A.M. Valent: None. C. Huertas-Pagan: None. L. Ward: None. M.C. Rickert: None. M. Rincon: None.

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