Aims: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a pharmacist managed monitoring and interaction program using continuous glucose monitoring in a population of poorly controlled (A1C >10 %) patients with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: This study was conducted in the outpatient clinical setting and examined levels of Time in Range and A1C for 12 patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes as indicated by an A1C level of greater than 10%. The intervention included use of a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and weekly interactions either virtually or by telephone by one of the team members.
Results: After 13 weeks, the average A1C levels reduced from 11.47% to 7.7% (p<001). Over 90% of the subjects achieved an A1C of less than 10%. After 26 weeks, the average A1C was 8.18% (p =0.01). Time in Range increased from 36.5 % initially to 60% at three months and 56% at six months. There were no significant changes in the amount of insulin dose.
Conclusions: The combination of continuous glucose monitoring and frequent interaction in a brief (three months) time frame may be a significant tool to improve glucose control up to 6 months in this high-risk population.
A. Behnke: Research Support; Abbott. V. Reddy: None. K. Lucas: None. M. Orlowski: None.
Abbott (15130167v1)