Object: This study aimed to explore the relationship between serum uric acid to creatinine ratio (UCR) and sudomotor function in patients with T2DM.

Methods: Serum uric acid and serum creatinine were measured with an automated biochemistry analyzer. UCR was calculated. Sudomotor function was assessed through electrochemical skin conductance (ESC) measurements conducted with the SUDOSCAN device.

Results: A total of 781 patients with T2DM were enrolled (59% male, 55.09±13.23 years). Patients were further divided into three groups based on the mean ESC of the hand and foot (MEHF): the group with sudomotor severe dysfunction (SDF group, MEHF< 40μS), the sudomotor moderate dysfunction group (MDF group, 40μS≤ MEHF≤ 60μS), and the group with normal sudomotor function (NSF group, MEHF > 60μS). Compared with the NSF group, level of UCR of patients in MDF group and SDF group was significantly lower (P < 0.0001) (Table 1). Spearman correlation analysis showed that the MEHF was negatively correlated with UCR (r = -0.144, P<0.0001). After dividing UCR into tertiles, multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that participants in the lowest UCR group had a significantly higher risk of sudomotor dysfunction by 67.2% than those in the highest group (OR = 1.672, 95%CI 1.171-2.387, P =0.005).

Conclusion: UCR is an independent risk factor of sudomotor dysfunction in patients with T2DM.


J. Peng: None. X. Chen: None. H. Xu: None. X. Tang: None. X. Shui: None. J. Yan: None. W. Xu: None. B. Yao: None. H. Deng: None. X. Yang: None.

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