Introduction & Objective: The UKPDS Study demonstrated mortality benefit of pharmacologic interventions lowering A1C (NEJM 2008). Diabetes care management (DCM) in type 2 diabetes (T2D) has been shown to lower A1C but not studied mortality. Our aim was to assess mortality in adults with T2D and A1C >9% who had completed diabetes boot camp (DBC), an intensive 3-month DCM intervention (BMJ Open DRC 2019. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2019-000731).

Methods: This retrospective cohort study compared mortality in DBC versus concurrent propensity matched controls. Kaplan Meier survival curves were constructed from time of DBC start. Follow up was ascertained via query of the data warehouse underlying our health system EMR. The most recent encounter date was assigned as censoring date when date of death was absent.

Results: All DBC participants (n=366) and controls (n=366) in the original cohort were included. Demographics, pre-post A1C and mortality outcomes are shown on table 1. At an average of 5.5 years of follow up, the overall mortality rate was 10% and not significantly different. In patients over 60 with A1C >= 12.0, DBC participants experienced borderline improved survival (p = 0.06 by Log-Rank test).

Conclusion: Participation in DBC, a DCM intervention, was not associated with an overall mortality benefit but older patients with markedly elevated A1C may have experienced improved survival compared to matched controls.


A.R. Montero: None. J. Nam: None. C.M. Nassar: None. M.F. Magee: Research Support; Medtronic. Other Relationship; Lilly Diabetes.

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