Background: We sought to assess the impact of online, virtual patient simulation (VPS)-based continuing medical education (CME) on performance of physicians (MDs) related to obesity in patients with prediabetes or glucose intolerance.

Methods: The intervention comprised two different patient scenarios in a VPS platform that allows learners to order lab tests, make diagnoses, and prescribe treatments in a manner matching the scope and depth of actual practice. Tailored clinical guidance (CG), based on current evidence and expert recommendation, was provided following each decision, followed by the opportunity for the learner to modify to their decisions. Decisions were collected post-CG and compared with each user’s baseline (pre-CG) using a McNemar’s test. Data was collected November, 2022 through February, 2023.

Results: MDs (n=549) who completed at least 1 case were included (n=20 in practice <5 years, n=246 in practice >5 years).

Ordering obesity pharmacotherapy: MDs in practice >5 years had 28%-40% absolute improvement (P<.01; baseline 13%-15%) compared to MDs in practice <5 years had 20%-25% absolute improvement (P<.05; baseline 13%-15%).

Nonpharmacologic therapy: MDs in practice >5 years had 13%-19% absolute improvement (P<.01; baseline 48%-70%) compared to MDs in practice <5 years had 25%-30% absolute improvement (P<.05; baseline 50%-75%).

Continued Gaps: MDs in practice <5 years had the largest continued gaps in ordering obesity pharmacotherapy (60%-62%). MDs in practice >5 years had the largest continued gaps in nonpharmacologic approaches (17%-33%).

Conclusion: VPS can improve evidence-based clinical decisions related to comprehensive management of obesity in patients with prediabetes or glucose intolerance. This simulation was more effective at closing gaps in physicians in practice <5 years regarding nonpharmacologic options, but more effective in physicians in practice >5 years at pharmacologic therapy.


A. Larkin: None. M. LaCouture: None.


Developed through an independent educational grant from Novo Nordisk, Inc.

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