Introduction and Objectives: Diabetes specialists (DSs) and primary care professionals (PCPs) play pivotal roles in the screening and referral process for diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME). Timely screenings and referrals to eye care specialists (ECSs) are critical in preventing vision-threatening complications for patients with diabetes (PWD). Two related activities sought to educate DSs and PCPs on appropriate ECS referrals to directly benefit and improve outcomes for PWD with, or at risk for, DR/DME.
Methods: The activities focused on interprofessional and multidisciplinary strategies to overcome referral barriers. Realistic patient cases with varying degrees of urgency were presented to engage learners and demonstrate the impact of decisions made by DSs/PCPs on patient outcomes. Multiple choice questions pre- and post-activity and intent to change questions post-activity measured the effect of the education.
Results: Total learners: 3,847, including 661 Endocrinologists and 1,726 PCPs
<ul>30% absolute improvement in knowledge of their role in the screening and referral process for DR/DME (51% to 81%)</ul><ul>27% absolute improvement in skills coordinating timely and appropriate referrals to eye care specialists (59% to 86%)</ul>When learners return to practice, most intend to:<ul>Refer PWD to ECSs for comprehensive annual exams (89%) and follow up to ensure the exam is performed (92%)</ul><ul>Incorporate strategies to overcome barriers to timely and appropriate referral to ECSs (90%)</ul>Conclusion: The activities resulted in significant gains in participants' knowledge related to their role in the screening and referral process for DR/DME and their ability to make referrals consistent with current guidelines. As confidence is a key component for effective clinical performance, these and similar initiatives may directly benefit and improve outcomes for PWD with, or at risk for, DR/DME.
M.J. Tamas: None. M. Beyer: None. R.S. Beaser: None. V. Fonseca: Consultant; Abbott, Bayer Inc. Stock/Shareholder; BRAVO4HEALTH, LLC. Consultant; Corcept Therapeutics. Speaker's Bureau; Eli Lilly and Company. Research Support; Fractyl Health, Inc. Consultant; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Stock/Shareholder; Amgen Inc. A.A. Moshfeghi: Research Support; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. Consultant; Alimera Sciences, Genentech, Inc. Research Support; Genentech, Inc. Consultant; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. Research Support; Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. Consultant; Ocular Therapeutix. Stock/Shareholder; Ocular Therapeutix. H.N. Drew: None.
Regeneron (MED-OPT-7842, MED-OPT-7846)