Introduction: There is a lack of targeted resources to promote self-management behaviors in young adults (ages 18-30) with diabetes. Online information-seeking commonly occurs among this group for chronic disease management and support. To fill this unmet need, The Diabetes Link created an e-learning framework (“The Framework”) and utilized it to develop life-stage specific, online educational resources that result in high engagement.

Methods: The Framework incorporated Adult Learning Theory and Bloom’s Taxonomy, a model used to classify levels of educational learning outcomes, along with inputs relevant for this demographic such as resource format, length, and media type. A clinical advisory panel provided feedback to ensure materials were clinically sound and achieved learning outcomes. The Diabetes Link created four topic modules using this framework. Engagement analytics include quantitative measures of online usage.

Results: The Framework was used to develop and release materials focusing on 4 topic modules over 9 months on an online platform: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Sex & Diabetes, Relationships, and Management 101: Technology. Each topic module contains 11-20 assets, defined as videos, infographics, and peer perspectives. Each asset highlights independence, lived experiences, and practical skills. Each topic module focuses on 6-8 specific learning outcomes based on the 6 different levels of hierarchical learning, ranging from building knowledge to evaluation. From 5/11/23-12/31/23, these topic modules have reached 2228 individuals and 228 hours spent engaging with the educational resources.

Conclusion: The Diabetes Link has developed an e-learning framework that enables age appropriate online content development. Adoption of The Framework has resulted in high engagement above industry standards. The four topic modules will be tested in a pilot study to measure the relevance and impact of materials on young adults with diabetes.


M. Roche: None. K. Samai: None. S. Kim: Consultant; Signos, Inc.


Novo Nordisk

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