Introduction & Objective: Café-style communication between medical and non-medical personnel on health has become popular. However, there are few examples of the effectiveness of health café reported. There are also few reports on health education for residents using theatrical performances. Therefore, we chose diabetes as the theme, developed and implemented a café-type health class using theatrical performances ("diabetes theater café"), and examined its effectiveness.

Methods: Pre- and post-survey; 13 participants (residents) of a diabetes theater café held at a drugstore at Osaka, Japan, in October 2022 were asked to answer an original questionnaire (5-point Likert scale) on the theme. We used paired t-tests. The diabetes theater café was developed and implemented in a multidisciplinary collaboration of physicians, pharmacists, and theater artists. A short play based on the theme was performed by professional actors at the beginning of the program. Next, participants answered the theme (dilemma) using Yes/No cards ("You were invited for a drink by a person with whom you have a delicate distance. Do you tell them you have diabetes?). Participants were then divided into groups for a time of dialogue, at the end of the session, each group decided on one theme and created and performed a 2-minute play. Throughout the program, pharmacist and physician staff added commentary on diabetes and the subject matter as appropriate.

Results: With an introductory play, Yes/No cards, and group dialogue, participants were able to conduct the theater-style presentation without difficulty. Questionnaire surveys showed a significant increase in knowledge (mean 3.6 before to 4.3 after) and confidence (mean 2.6 before to 3.1 after) in the subject matter, as well as a high level of satisfaction (mean 4.3) with the program.

Conclusion: The results suggest the usefulness of the diabetes theater café as a method of diabetes health promotion targeting local residents through multidisciplinary cooperation.


K. Okazaki: Speaker's Bureau; Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.


The Sugiura Memorial Foundation

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