Introduction & Objective: We characterized dietary intake of older adults with T1D as a first step towards developing interventions and informing guidelines in this growing and understudied population.

Methods: Older adults (≥65 years) with T1D recruited through a university-affiliated hospital system completed an online survey (Sept-Nov 2023) that included the 30 item dietary screener questionnaire (DSQ). We calculated sex-stratified (M/F) mean and median intakes of dietary factors relevant to United States dietary guidelines and predicted probabilities of sub-optimal intakes based on guideline targets.

Results: The DSQ was completed by 77 older adults (age 71.3 ± 4.1 yrs, 45.5% male, 93.5% non-Hispanic White) with T1D (duration 33.5± 18.1 yrs, Hba1c 6.8 ± 1.1%). Probabilities of sub-optimal intake across almost all dietary factors were greater among females, including over twice the probability of low calcium and fiber intake (Table 1).

Conclusion: This is the first study to characterize dietary intake of older adults with T1D relative to national guidelines. We noted sub-optimal intakes of key nutrient groups in our overall sample. Females may be at higher risk than males. Further studies should characterize intakes alongside diabetes behaviors. Unpacking the reasons and clinical significance of these estimates is also essential to inform population-specific interventions and clinical guidance.


A. Cristello Sarteau: None. N.R. Gopisetty: None. J. Sprinkles: None. G. Ercolino: None. A. Fruik: None. X. Qu: None. E.J. Mayer-Davis: None. A. Kahkoska: None.



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