Introduction & Objective: D-COPES (Diabetes - Connecting Online Peers to Enhance Support) is a social support intervention that matches emerging adults (EA) into small groups led by a trained peer connector (PC) who engage virtually over 12 weeks. The purpose of this pilot was to evaluate the process for matching EA to PC.
Methods: Pre-intervention, EA and PC completed a matching survey consisting of diabetes and personal characteristics and priority matching preferences. The research team manually matched EA to PC across three separate cohorts. Cohort 1 matched on characteristics and preferences. Cohort 2 matched on availability, then characteristics and preferences. Cohort 3 matched on availability, EA’s prioritization rating of their preferred PC, then characteristics and preferences. Post-intervention, a subset of EA from each cohort were interviewed about group matching satisfaction.
Results: A total of 83 EA were part of the intervention group. EA were primarily female (59%), non-Hispanic (90.4%), and white (91.6%) and 33.7% identified as a sexual gender minority. The three cohorts had 20, 36, and 27 EA respectively that were matched into 14 groups. EA most frequently endorsed the following matching preferences for demographic and diabetes characteristics: similar age (67.5%), similar life stage (50.6%), gender (24.1%), use of continuous glucose monitoring (65.1%), insulin pump use (49.4%), cooks at home (33.7%), and moderate-high endurance exercise (32.5%). Interviewed EA (n=14) reported matching well to their PC and group. EA preferred similarities in personal characteristics over diabetes characteristics. Only one EA requested a group change, reporting a mismatch with the PC. No differences were found between cohorts with attendance or retention and matching on availability or rating of the PC.
Conclusion: These results suggest prioritizing EA to PC matching on personal characteristics to support successful group matches. Processes to automate matching are needed to support larger studies.
B. Rodriguez Gonzales: None. N.A. Allen: Research Support; Dexcom, Inc. Consultant; Diathrive Health. E. Iacob: None. J.E. Blanchette: Speaker's Bureau; Insulet Corporation. Board Member; Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Research Support; American Heart Association, Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Advisory Panel; LifeScan Diabetes Institute. Consultant; WellDoc. Advisory Panel; Cardinal Health/Edgepark. A. Moraitis: None. N. Shah: None. M.L. Litchman: Research Support; American Diabetes Association, Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, Dexcom, Inc. Other Relationship; Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists. Research Support; National Institutes of Health.
Franklin S. Ivory and Rachael C. Ivory Foundation