Introduction & Objective: The Diabetes - Connecting Online Peers to Enhance Support (D-COPES) pilot intervention engages emerging adults (EA) with type 1 diabetes (T1D) through group discussion using topic guides with a peer connector (PC). Topic guides are comprised of questions and credible online resources to facilitate group discussion around a specific diabetes topic. This study assessed topic guide use throughout D-COPES.
Methods: An EA focus group (N=6) determined the initial set of topic guides and additional guides were developed throughout the pilot as requested by PC. The PC worked with their group to select topics the EA wanted to discuss throughout 6 virtual sessions. There were 6 PC who led 14 group sessions. Each session focused on 1-2 topics. A subset of participants were interviewed to understand the value of the 21 topic guides.
Results: Considering the topic guide options, the most frequently discussed were diabetes burnout (N=13), diabetes technology (N=10), navigating insurance and the healthcare system (N=10), relationship with food (N=9), physical activity (N=8) and traveling with diabetes (N=8). Interviewed participants (N=14) appreciated the comprehensive list of topics to choose from and found them to be useful. Topic discussions provided social support not found in other clinical settings. Occasionally a topic such as menstruation with diabetes was uncomfortable to discuss in mixed-gender groups, for some.
Conclusion: Topic guides help spark discourse of daily struggles EA with T1D face, providing avenues for social support. The most frequently discussed topic guides highlight the unaddressed education needs within EA with T1D.
N. Shah: None. B. Rodriguez Gonzales: None. E. Iacob: None. M.L. Litchman: Research Support; American Diabetes Association, Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, Dexcom, Inc. Other Relationship; Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists. Research Support; National Institutes of Health. J.E. Blanchette: Speaker's Bureau; Insulet Corporation. Board Member; Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Research Support; American Heart Association, Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Advisory Panel; LifeScan Diabetes Institute. Consultant; WellDoc. Advisory Panel; Cardinal Health/Edgepark. A. Moraitis: None. N.A. Allen: Research Support; Dexcom, Inc. Consultant; Diathrive Health.
Franklin S. Ivory and Rachael C. Ivory Foundation