Introduction & Objective: To evaluate long-term effectiveness associated with maintenance doses of once-weekly semaglutide (sema) in US adults with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes (T2D).

Methods: Observational cohort study (Optum Clinformatics® Data Mart, Jan 2017-Dec 2022). Eligibility criteria: confirmed diagnosis of T2D, HbA1c ≥9.0% and newly initiated sema. Exclusion criteria: T1D and pregnancy. HbA1c outcomes were assessed in the 2nd year of follow-up in three groups reaching: 0.5 mg only; ≥0.5 mg; and 1 mg. Time to initiation (TTI) of new glucose‑lowering therapy (GLT) was assessed in patients (pts) reaching 1 mg within 1 year.

Results: Among 2311 pts, the 1 mg group (50.2%) had worse overall health and T2D at baseline vs the 0.5 mg-only group (32.5%). There was a ~2.5% reduction in HbA1c in the second year of follow‑up, across all groups (Table). After reaching 1 mg sema, 29.5% of pts newly initiated any GLT, 14.9% initiated SGLT-2i and 6.9% insulin. Average TTI of any new GLT was 208 days. TTI of insulin or SGLT-2i after dose escalation to 1 mg was 235 days and 234 days, respectively, and from sema initiation was 312 and 310 days, respectively.

Conclusion: In pts with poorly controlled T2D, sema maintenance doses were associated with a considerable reduction in HbA1c and delay in insulin initiation in a 2-year follow-up, highlighting the importance of a maintenance dose in such pts.


X. Tan: Employee; Novo Nordisk, Merck & Co., Inc. Y. Cao: None. T.J. Dunn: Employee; Novo Nordisk. Y. Liang: Employee; Novo Nordisk. J. Noone: Employee; Novo Nordisk. C.L. Gamble: Employee; Novo Nordisk. A.A. King: Speaker's Bureau; Abbott, MannKind Corporation, Novo Nordisk. Advisory Panel; Novo Nordisk. Speaker's Bureau; Lilly Diabetes. Advisory Panel; Lilly Diabetes. Speaker's Bureau; Dexcom, Inc. Advisory Panel; Dexcom, Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Astellas Pharma Inc.


Novo Nordisk Inc.

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