Anti-obesity GLP-1 agonists have widely been used by providers without emphasis on behavioral modification due to the short term effectiveness of these medications. The misuse of these medications without any monitored guidance on lifestyle changes can lead to significant weight regain. In this study, we will evaluate newer hybrid care models involving continuous engagement by multidisciplinary care teams on weight loss among those with pre-diabetes.This is a retrospective observational study of medical records for Zone.Health, a 6 months hybrid medicated obesity program, prescribed with both GLP-1 medications and multidimensional lifestyle modification (n=112). Behavioral change aspects of the program, delivered digitally via an app, included an accountability coach, use of food logging, CGM, and involvement of a personal trainer. Anthropometric data were recorded at the beginning and at 3 months. Majority received tirzepatide (51.8%), followed by semaglutide (46.4%), and a 1.8% received liraglutide. 3 months through the program, a significant -7.89 kg (-8.24%) weight loss (p < 0.001) led to a 2.79-unit BMI decrease, including reduced fat mass (5.46 kg, p < 0.001), improved cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. In pre-diabetic patients (n=33) significant improvements in HbA1c of 0.46% (p < 0.001) were observed leading to remission of all pre-diabetic patients. Weight loss was substantial at -6.85 kg (-6.8%) (p < 0.001), with reductions in fat mass (-5.26 kg, -12.5% p < 0.001). Total cholesterol levels decreased by -16.08 mg/dL (-8.3%) (p = 0.005). The hybrid program resulted in a 16.2% more reduction in weight compared to STEP-2 trial results which involved in-clinic only behavioral change advice.The use of GLP-1 medications delivered in a hybrid mode, demonstrated significant positive changes across all parameters, suggesting the potential of this approach for managing obesity and pre-diabetes using GLPs for more effective changes.


H. Zakaria: None. M. Caccelli: None. C. Ozkan: None. Z. Jaafar: None. Y. Said: None. S. Aleabova: None. R.A. Laborte: None. A. Hashemi: None. I. Almarzooqi: None.

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