The WBDT is a digital model of metabolism, created using sensors, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning, providing an individualized comprehensive lifestyle intervention to improve and reverse T2D and its comorbidities. With an easy-to-use app, patients (pts) and the care team are given daily individualized guidance across nutrition, sleep, and activity. This study assessed medication (meds) use and metabolic markers over 1 yr in 256 T2D pts using WBDT commercial program data. Continuous variables were analyzed with paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test. At 1 yr, A1C decreased from 7.73±1.38 to 6.22±0.62; 71.9% had A1C <6.5%. T2D reversal (A1C <6.5% with no T2D meds except metformin) was achieved by 55.5%. At entry, 5.9% were not on T2D meds, 32.8% on 1, 35.9% on 2, and 25.4% on ≥3. At 1 yr, 29.7% were not on T2D meds, 37.5% on 1, 25.8% on 2, and 7.0% on ≥3. The Table shows the 1 yr changes in metabolic parameters. These data suggest the WBDT program leads to diabetes reversal, reduction in meds, and improvement or normalization of multiple metabolic parameters. The WBDT program may be an effective strategy to reduce the overall burden of T2D and its comorbidities.


L. Shah: Employee; Twin Health. S.R. Joshi: Consultant; Twin Health, Marico, Franco Indian, Zydus Cadila, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. Other Relationship; Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, MSD, Abbott Nutrition, Abbott, Biocon, Alkem, USV Private Limited, Boehringer-Ingelheim. J. Mohammed: Employee; Twin Health. M. Mohamed: None. M. Thajudeen: None. F.R. Kaufman: Employee; Senseonics. Consultant; Twin Health. B. Willis: Employee; Twin Health.

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