Objective: People with diabetes who use the t:slim X2 with Control-IQ technology (CIQ, Tandem Diabetes Care) in the United States also have the option to use the smartphone app (t:connect mobile), which includes the ability to bolus from the app, and continuously upload data to the cloud. This study explores user satisfaction and perceptions of ease of use (EOU) of the smartphone app.

Methods: People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes using CIQ completed surveys on satisfaction and perceived EOU of the app after 6 months of use. Data collection occurred June 2023 through November 2023.

Results: 3,687 individuals completed surveys at 6 months (54% female, 88% type 1 diabetes, 25% previous MDI users). Of 2,695 who responded to the satisfaction metric, 79.6% were either satisfied or very satisfied with the smartphone app. Of the 2,433 who responded to the EOU metric, 83.6% considered the app “easy” or “very easy” to use. Individuals who use the bolus feature of the app had comparably higher satisfaction and EOU percentages (84% satisfied and 88% EOU) compared to individuals who did not use the bolus feature (69% satisfied, 71% EOU)

Conclusion: Users new to Tandem report high satisfaction and EOU for the t:connect mobile smartphone app. The consistently positive perceptions indicates that the CIQ system with the mobile app hold general appeal, potentially assuaging pump hesitancy fears in people not yet using a pump.


K. Assadi: Employee; Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. Stock/Shareholder; Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. M.L. Manning: Employee; Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. J.E. Pinsker: Employee; Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. L.H. Messer: Employee; Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.


Tandem Diabetes Care

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