Background: The 180-day implantable Eversense E3 CGM System was commercialized in 2022 for adults with diabetes. This is the first real-world assessment of the 180-day E3 System in patients using open-loop insulin regimens.

Methods: Sensor glucose (SG) data obtained from the Eversense Data Managment System (DMS) for the first 1000 users in the US were used to evaluate CGM metrics. Twenty-four-hour transmitter wear time, mean SG and glycemic variability metrics, glucose management indicator (GMI), and percent in glycemic ranges were calculated over 180 days. Age, type of diabetes and gender were self-reported.

Results: The first 1000 real-world E3 CGM Systems were inserted in users of mean age 50 yrs., 57.5% male, 40.6% T1D, 28.2% T2D and 31.2% not reported. DMS provided mean 41,584±9309 CGM readings over 180 days per user. Mean values of the CGM metrics were 160.6 mg/dL for SG, 52.9 mg/dL for SD, 0.33 for CV, and 7.15% for GMI (Table). The %SG in the various glycemic ranges was as follows: 0.94% (<54 mg/dL), 3.3% (<70 mg/dL), 64.6% (≥70 to 180 mg/dL), 32.1% (>180 mg/dL) and 9.9% (>250 mg/dL). Median transmitter wear time was 83.0%. Percent of users achieving recommended glucose goals was promising with at least 70% achieving hypoglycemia targets.

Conclusion: This real-world evaluation of the Eversense E3 CGM System used with open-loop insulin regimens demonstrated that Eversense assists patients in effectively managing diabetes.


K.S. Tweden: Employee; Senseonics Inc. B. Romarowski: Employee; Senseonics Inc. C. Mdingi: Employee; Senseonics. F.R. Kaufman: Employee; Senseonics. Consultant; Twin Health.

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