In next month’s issue of Diabetes, we will introduce a new section for the journal, Diabetes Spotlight, a short feature on one of our authors, editors, or awardees. Our intention with this section is to introduce members of the diabetes research community who are contributing to the scientific mission and to the journal. By presenting some personal background and a more expanded description of our subject’s research focus, goals, and motivations, the Spotlight will add depth and context to their scientific contributions. As a journal of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), we see our role as representing several key constituencies: our contributors, our readership, and the greater ADA community, including staff, patients, and patient advocates. Thus, we think it will be useful to highlight individuals of interest to increase connectedness across our society and generate enthusiasm and inspiration over the progress we are making as a community dedicated to improving the lives of people living with diabetes. We think Diabetes Spotlight will provide this spark and add a new dimension to the journal.

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