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1 February 1968
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
Original Contributions
Radioimmunoassay of Insulin A and B Chains in Normal and Diabetic Human Plasma
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 61-66. doi:
Pituitary and Adrenal Influence on Reduced Insulin B-Chain Induced Hyperglycemia
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 67-71. doi:
Relationship between Meal Size and Frequency and Plasma Insulin Response in Man
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 72-75. doi:
Effect of Acute Elevation of Plasma Glycerol, Triglyceride and FFA Levels on Glucose Utilization and Plasma Insulin
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 76-82. doi:
Insulin Secretion by Insuloma and Normal Pancreas Slices: Studies in a Patient with Multiple Endocrine Adenomata
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 83-89. doi:
Oxidation of Glucose, Acetoacetate, and Palmitate in Brain Mince of Normal and Ketotic Rats
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 90-95. doi:
Metabolic Effects of the Biguanides and Possible Mechanism of Action
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 96-104. doi:
Effect of Insulin on the Hexosamine Content of Alloxan Diabetic Rabbit Vitreous Humor
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 105-107. doi:
Brief Notes and Comments
Cerebral Edema, Diabetes Insipidus, and Sudden Death during the Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 108-109. doi:
Reviewers of Manuscripts and Books
Reviewers of Manuscripts and Books
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 110-111. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 117-119. doi:
News of Affiliate Associations
News of Affiliate Associations
Diabetes February 1968, Vol.17, 119-120. doi: