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March 1953
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
The Electroencephalogram of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 93-99. doi:
Steroid Diabetes In Man: The Development of Diabetes During Treatment with Cortisone and Corticotropin
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 100-111. doi:
Effects of Anteror Pituitary Extracts and of Growth Hormone Preparations of the Islets of Langerhans and the Pancreas
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 112-121. doi:
Effects of Environment on Diabetes: A study of partially-depancreatized rats exposed to cold
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 122-124. doi:
The Incidence and Significance of Degranulation of the Beta Cells In the Islets of Langerhans In Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 125-129. doi:
A Modification of Gomori's Stain: The Demonstration of Beta Granules in the Islets of Langerhans
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 130-131. doi:
The Metabolism of Mannitol and Sorbitol: Their Use as Sugar Substitutes in Diabetic Therapy
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 132-137. doi:
Recent Statistics on Diabetes
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 138-141. doi:
Diabetes Abstracts
Claude Bernard, 1813-1878
Claude Bernard, 1813-1878: A Pioneer in the Study of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 162-164. doi:
Book Review
Organization Section
Association News
Network Radio Program on Diabetes
Diabetes March 1953, Vol.2, 169. doi: