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1 January 1971
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
In this Issue
Original Contributions
Evidence for a Feedback Inhibition of Insulin on Insulin Secretion in the Isolated, Perfused Canine Pancreas
Diabetes January 1971, Vol.20, 1-9. doi:
Effect of Experimental Diabetes Mellitus on Protein Synthesis by Liver Ribosomes
Diabetes January 1971, Vol.20, 27-32. doi:
Insulin Immunoassay by Back-Titration; Some Characteristics of the Technic and the Insulin Precipitant Action of Alcohol
Diabetes January 1971, Vol.20, 33-45. doi:
Decreased Response to Insulin in Adipose Tissue during Starvation: Effect of Hypophysectomy and Growth Hormone Administration
Diabetes January 1971, Vol.20, 46-50. doi:
Comparative Study of Diabetes Knowledge Among Juvenile Diabetics and Their Parents
Diabetes January 1971, Vol.20, 51-57. doi: