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1 September 1971
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
Original Contributions
Effect of High Protein Feeding on Gluconeogenesis in Rat Liver
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 577-585. doi:
Effects of Gestational Age, Birth and Feeding on the Insulinogenic Response to Glucose and Tolbutamide by Fetal and Newborn Rat Pancreas
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 586-591. doi:
Biphasic Insulin Release from Perifused Cultured Fetal Rat Pancreas: Effects of Glucose, Pyruvate, and Theophylline
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 592-597. doi:
Energy Metabolism in Pancreatic Islets of Rats: Studies with Tolbutamide and Hypoxia
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 598-606. doi:
Studies of Insulin and Growth Hormone Secretion in a Subject with Hepatoma and Hypoglycemia
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 607-614. doi:
Capillary Blood Sugar Values in Children During the Oral Cortisone-Primed Glucose Tolerance Test
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 615-621. doi:
A Case of Growth-onset Diabetes Presenting with Proliferative Retinopathy
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 626-627. doi:
Special Report
Principles of Nutrition and Dietary Recommendations for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: 1971
Edwin L Bierman, M.D.; Margaret J Albrink, Chairman, M.D.; Ronald A Arky, M.D.; William E Connor, M.D.; Seymour Dayton, M.D.; Norton Spritz, M.D.; Daniel Steinberg, M.D.
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 633-634. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 638-639. doi:
News of Affiliate Associations
News of Affiliate Associations
Diabetes September 1971, Vol.20, 639-640. doi: