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1 September 1974
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
Original Contributions
Effect of Glucagon: Insulin Ratios on Hepatic Metabolism
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 725-731. doi:
One to Five Days of Continuous Intravenous Insulin Infusion on Seven Diabetic Patients
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 732-738. doi:
Generalized Hypersensitivity Reaction and Visceral Arteritis with Fatal Outcome During Glibenclamide Therapy
B F Clarke, M.D., F.R.C.P.; I W Campbell, B.Sc, M.B., M.R.C.P.; D J Ewing, M.A., M.B., M.R.C.P.; G W Beveridge, M.B., F.R.C.P.; M K MacDonald, M.B., F.R.C.
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 739-742. doi:
Effects of Small Intravenous Doses of Epinephrine on Serum Insulin, Glucose Tolerance and Serum Free Fatty Acids
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 743-747. doi:
Pancreatic Islet Transplantation: Effects on the Glomerular Lesions of Experimental Diabetes in the Rat
S Michael Mauer, M.D.; David E R Sutherland, M.D.; Michael W Steffes, M.D., Ph.D.; Robert J Leonard, M.D.; John S Najarian, M.D.; Alfred F Michael, M.D.; David M Brown, M.D.
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 748-753. doi:
Mechanisms of Catecholamine Inactivation by the Endocrine Pancreas
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 754-762. doi:
“Staircase” Glucose Stimulation of Insulin Secretion in Obesity: Measure of Beta-cell Sensitivity and Capacity
John H Karam, M.D.; Gerold M Grodsky, Ph.D.; K-N Ching, M.D.; Florence Schmid; Karen Burrill, M.D.; Peter H Forsham, M.D.
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 763-770. doi:
Carbohydrate Metabolism in Pregnancy: XI. Response of Plasma Glucagon to Overnight Fast and Oral Glucose during Normal Pregnancy and in Gestational Diabetes
Robert R Daniel, M.D.; Boyd E Metzger, M.D.; Norbert Freinkel, M.D.; Gerald R Faloona, Ph.D.; Roger H Unger, M.D.; Menachem Nitzan, M.D.
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 771-776. doi:
Placental Transfer of Streptozotocin in the Rhesus Monkey
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 777-782. doi:
Special Topics in Diabetes
Growth Hormone and Diabetes in Man: Old Concepts—New Implications
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 783-787. doi:
Brief Notes and Comments
Kidney Size in Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 788-792. doi:
Influence of Diet on Intestinal Cell DNA Synthesis in the Diabetic Rat
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 793-795. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 801-803. doi:
News of Affiliate Associations
News of Affiliate Associations
Diabetes September 1974, Vol.23, 803. doi: