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Original Contributions
Pancreatic Content of Insulins I and II in Laboratory Rodents: Analysis by Immunoelectrophoresis
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 841-845. doi:
Effect of Ionophore A23187 on Basal and Insulin-stimulated Sugar Transport by Rat Soleus Muscle
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 846-850. doi:
Normal Responses of Rats with Transplanted Neonatal Islets to Stress, Epinephrine, and Cortisol
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 856-861. doi:
Can Future Type I Diabetes Be Predicted? A Study in Families of Affected Children
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 862-866. doi:
Studies on the Regulation of Insulin Binding by Liver Plasma Membranes From Zucker Fatty Rats
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 867-873. doi:
Retinopathy in Juvenile-onset Type I Diabetes of Short Duration
Robert N Frank; William H Hoffman; Marvin J Podgor; Howard C Joondeph; Richard A Lewis; Raymond R Margherio; Delbert P Nachazel, Jr; Harold Weiss; Kenneth W Christopherson; Margaret A Cronin
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 874-882. doi:
New Perspectives on the Microvasculature of the Islets of Langerhans in the Rat
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 883-889. doi:
Sulfonylureas Do Not Affect Insulin Binding or Glycemic Control in Insulin-dependent Diabetics
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 890-896. doi:
A Study of the Structural and Biochemical Development of Human Fetal Islets of Langerhans
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 897-902. doi:
Metabolism of Cholesterol and Plasma Triglycerides in Nonketotic Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 903-910. doi:
Postreceptor Defects Causing Insulin Resistance in Normoinsulinemic Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 911-916. doi:
Evidence for an Intrahepatic Contribution to the Waning Effect of Glucagon on Glucose Production in the Conscious Dog
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 917-922. doi:
Insulin Resistance in Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 923-928. doi:
In Vivo Deactivation of Peripheral, Hepatic, and Pancreatic Insulin Action in Man
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 929-936. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes October 1982, Vol.31, 937-938. doi: