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1 January 1988
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
Perspectives on the New Year
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 1-2. doi:
Perspectives in Diabetes
Original Articles
Mineral Metabolism and Bone Mass at Peripheral and Axial Skeleton in Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 8-12. doi:
Quin 2 and Manganese Define Multiple Alterations in Cellular Calcium Homeostasis in Diabetic Rat Pancreas
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 13-20. doi:
Low-Dose Streptozocin-Induced Diabetes in Mice: Electron Microscopy Reveals Single-Cell Insulitis Before Diabetes Onset
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 21-27. doi:
Insulin Stimulation of Na+-K+ Pump in Clonal Rat Osteosarcoma Cells
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 33-37. doi:
Glomerular Morphology by Light Microscopy in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Lack of Glomerular Hypertrophy
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 38-43. doi:
Central Versus Peripheral Effect of Clonidine on Hepatic Venous Plasma Glucose Concentrations in Fasted Rats
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 44-49. doi:
Lipogenesis From Ketone Bodies in Perfused Livers From Streptozocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 50-55. doi:
High-Molecular-Weight Aggregates of Therapeutic Insulin: In Vitro Measurements of Receptor Binding and Bioactivity
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 56-59. doi:
Relationship of Glycosylated Hemoglobin to Oral Glucose Tolerance: Implications for Diabetes Screening
Randie R Little; Jack D England; Hsiao-Mei Wiedmeyer; Edith M McKenzie; David J Pettitt; William C Knowler; David E Goldstein
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 60-64. doi:
Epinephrine Impairs Insulin Release by a Mechanism Distal to Calcium Mobilization: Similarity to Lipoxygenase Inhibitors
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 65-73. doi:
Specific Immunity to Streptozocin: Cellular Requirements for Induction of Lymphoproliferation
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 74-80. doi:
Organ-Specific Autoimmunity and HLA-DR Antigens as Markers for β-Cell Destruction in Patients With Type II Diabetes
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 99-103. doi:
Alterations in Organization of Phospholipids in Erythrocytes as Factor in Adherence to Endothelial Cells in Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 104-111. doi:
Synergistic Effects of Adjuvants, Endotoxin, and Fasting on Induction of Diabetes With Multiple Low Doses of Streptozocin in Rats
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 112-118. doi:
Influence of Aging on Hepatic and Peripheral Glucose Metabolism in Humans
Rodwin A Jackson; Mohammed I Hawa; Ranjan D Roshania; Bushra M Sim; Luciana DiSilvio; Jonathan B Jaspan
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 119-129. doi:
Rapid Publications
Evidence of IgG Autoantibodies Against Human Proinsulin in Patients With IDDM Before Insulin Treatment
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 130-132. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 137-138. doi:
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Diabetes January 1988, Vol.37, 139-142. doi: