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1 September 1992
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
Perspectives in Diabetes
A Practical Approach to Identification of Susceptibility Genes for IDDM
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1029-1034. doi:
Original Articles
Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Type I Diabetes Mellitus: Comparison to Presence of Incipient Nephropathy in Adolescents and Young Adults
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1035-1041. doi:
Comparison of Peripheral and Portal (Via the Umbilical Vein) Routes of Insulin Infusion in IDDM Patients
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1042-1049. doi:
Variation in Sorbitol Accumulation and Polyol-Pathway Activity in Cultured Human Proximal Tubule Cells
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1050-1055. doi:
A New Method for Quantification of Islets by Measurement of Zinc Content
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1056-1062. doi:
Effects of Oleate and Insulin on Glucose Uptake, Oxidation, and Glucose Transporter Proteins in Rat Adipocytes
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1063-1068. doi:
Noninvasive Detection of Cardiac Sympathetic Nervous Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients Using [123I]Metaiodobenzylguanidine
Matti Mäntysaari; Jyrki Kuikka; Juha Mustonen; Kari Tahvanainen; Esko Vanninen; Esko Länsimies; Matti Uusitupa
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1069-1075. doi:
Impaired Insulin-Mediated Skeletal Muscle Blood Flow in Patients With NIDDM
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1076-1083. doi:
A Rapid and Sensitive Radioimmunoassay for the Measurement of Proinsulin in Human Serum
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1084-1090. doi:
Glucose Transporter Number, Function, and Subcellular Distribution in Rat Skeletal Muscle After Exercise Training
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1091-1099. doi:
Altered Regulation of Renin Secretion by Insulinlike Growth Factors and Angiotensin II in Diabetic Rats
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1100-1105. doi:
Diminished Glomerular Capillary Hydraulic Conductivity Precedes Morphologic Changes in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus in the Rat
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1106-1112. doi:
Tissue-Specific Regulation of Insulin Receptor mRNA Levels in Rats With STZ-Induced Diabetes Mellitus
Leonardo A Sechi; Chandi A Griffin; Eileen F Grady; Carl Grunfeld; Judith E Kalinyak; Morris Schambelan
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1113-1118. doi:
Growth of Neonatal Islet Transplants in the Spontaneously Diabetic BB/Wor Rat
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1122-1129. doi:
Cerebral Taurine Transport Is Increased During Streptozocin-Induced Diabetes in Rats
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1130-1140. doi:
Insulin Treatment, Endogenous Insulin Concentration, and ECG Abnormalities in Diabetic Pima Indians: Cross-Sectional and Prospective Analyses
Quan Zhi Liu; William C Knowler; Robert G Nelson; Mohammed F Saad; Marie A Charles; Irving M Liebow; Peter H Bennett; David J Pettitt
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1141-1150. doi:
Total Body Fat Content and Fat Topography Are Associated Differently With In Vivo Glucose Metabolism in Nonobese and Obese Nondiabetic Women
Enzo Bonora; Stefano Del Prato; Riccardo C Bonadonna; Giovanni Gulli; Anna Solini; Myron L shank; Abraham A Ghiatas; Jack L Lancaster; Raphael F Kilcoyne; Abdalmajeid M Alyassin; Ralph A DeFronzo
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1151-1159. doi:
Elevated Plasma Concentrations of β-Cell Tropin (ACTH22–39) in Diet-Treated Type II Diabetic Patients
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1160-1164. doi:
Identification and Characterization of Aldose Reductase in Cultured Rat Mesangial Cells
Ryuichi Kikkawa; Kisaburo Umemura; Masakazu Haneda; Nobuyuki Kajiwara; Shiro Maeda; Chihiro Nishimura; Yukio Shigeta
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1165-1171. doi:
Markedly Reduced β-Cell Function Does Not Result in Insulin Resistance in Islet Autografted Dogs
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1172-1181. doi:
Rapid Publication
An ELISA for Antibodies to Recombinant Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in IDDM
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1182-1187. doi:
Banting Lecture 1991
Banting Lecture: Glucose Turnover: A Key to Understanding the Pathogenesis of Diabetes (Indirect Effects of Insulin)
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1188-1206. doi:
Lilly Lecture 1991
Lilly Lecture: Syndromes of Insulin Resistance: From Patient to Gene and Back Again
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1207-1219. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1220. doi:
Systemè International (SI) Units Table
Systemè International (SI) Units Table
Diabetes September 1992, Vol.41, 1221. doi: