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1 September 1994
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
Perspectives in Diabetes
Differentiating Glucose Toxicity From Glucose Desensitization: A New Message From the Insulin Gene
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1085-1089. doi:
Original Articles
Toxicity of Mildly Modified Low-Density Lipoproteins to Cultured Retinal Capillary Endothelial Cells and Pericytes
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1090-1095. doi:
A Novel Human Insulin Receptor Gene Mutation Uniquely Inhibits Insulin Binding Without Impairing Posttranslational Processing
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1096-1102. doi:
Evidence That Glucose Increases Monocyte Binding to Human Aortic Endothelial Cells
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1103-1107. doi:
Impact of Lisinopril and Atenolol on Kidney Function in Hypertensive NIDDM Subjects With Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1108-1113. doi:
A Comparison Between the Minimal Model and the Glucose Clamp in the Assessment of Insulin Sensitivity Across the Spectrum of Glucose Tolerance
Mohammed F Saad; Randy L Anderson; Ami Laws; Richard M Watanabe; Wagdy W Kades; Y -D Ida Chen; R Evan Sands; Dee Pei; Peter J Savage; Richard N Bergman
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1114-1121. doi:
Characterization of the Mechanism for the Chronic Activation of Diacylglycerol-Protein Kinase C Pathway in Diabetes and Hypergalactosemia
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1122-1129. doi:
Physiological Concentrations of Insulin Induce Cellular Desensitization to the Mitogenic Effects of Insulin-Like Growth Factor I
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1130-1137. doi:
Effects of Glucose on Insulin Secretion, Glucokinase Activity, and Transgene Expression in Transgenic Mouse Islets Containing an Upstream Glucokinase Promoter-Human Growth Hormone Fusion Gene
Yin Liang; Thomas L Jetton; Elisabeth C Zimmerman; Habiba Najafi; Donna K Berner; Franz M Matschinsky; Mark A Magnuson
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1138-1145. doi:
High Prevalence of Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Long-Standing IDDM Is Not a Marker of Symptomatic Autonomic Neuropathy
Maria M Zanone; Jacob S Petersen; Mark Peakman; Christopher J Mathias; Peter J Watkins; Thomas Dyrberg; Diego Vergani
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1146-1151. doi:
3-Deoxyfructose Concentrations are Increased in Human Plasma and Urine in Diabetes
Kevin J Wells-Knecht; Timothy J Lyons; David R McCance; Suzanne R Thorpe; Milton S Feather; John W Baynes
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1152-1156. doi:
Hyperinsulinemia Decreases Second-Phase But Not First-Phase Arginine-Induced Insulin Release in Humans
Piero M Piatti; Antonio E Pontiroli; Andrea Caumo; Giovanni Santambrogio; Lucilla D Monti; Sabrina Costa; Francesca Garbetta; Laura Baruffaldi; Claudio Cobelli; Guido Pozza
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1157-1163. doi:
Rapid Publications
Opposite Effects of β-cell Differentiation and Growth on Reg Expression in Human Fetal Pancreatic Cells
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1164-1166. doi:
Protection of Encapsulated Human Islets Implanted Without Immunosuppression in Patients With Type I or Type II Diabetes and in Nondiabetic Control Subjects
David W Scharp; Carol J Swanson; Barbara J Olack; Paul P Latta; Orion D Hegre; Edward J Doherty; Frank T Gentile; Karen S Flavin; Maha F Ansara; Paul E Lacy
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1167-1170. doi:
Organization Section
Organization Section
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1172-1175. doi:
SI Units Table
Système International (SI) Units Table
Diabetes September 1994, Vol.43, 1176-1177. doi: