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Role of oxidative stress in diabetic complications: a new perspective on an old paradigm.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 1-9. doi:
Leptin enhances glycogen storage in hepatocytes by inhibition of phosphorylase and exerts an additive effect with insulin.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 15-20. doi:
Contribution of ductal cells to cytokine responses by human pancreatic islets.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 29-33. doi:
Recombinant human platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase reduces the frequency of diabetes in the diabetes-prone BB rat.
E S Lee; J Jiang; G C Sund; W T Simonson; J Graham; G Dietsch; B Schimpf; S Bieg; G Peterman; A Lernmark
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 43-49. doi:
Surgical removal of visceral fat reverses hepatic insulin resistance.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 94-98. doi:
Restoration of early rise in plasma insulin levels improves the glucose tolerance of type 2 diabetic patients.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 99-105. doi:
Induction of insulin resistance by glucosamine reduces blood flow but not interstitial levels of either glucose or insulin.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 106-111. doi:
Relationships between maternal risk of insulin resistance and the child's muscle membrane fatty acid composition.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 112-116. doi:
Trp64Arg mutation of beta3-adrenoceptor gene deteriorates lipolysis induced by beta3-adrenoceptor agonist in human omental adipocytes.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 117-120. doi:
Regulation of putative fatty acid transporters and Acyl-CoA synthetase in liver and adipose tissue in ob/ob mice.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 121-127. doi:
Effects of recurrent hypoglycemia on brainstem function in diabetic BB rats: protective adaptation during acute hypoglycemia.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 141-145. doi:
Skeletal muscle uncoupling protein 3 expression is a determinant of energy expenditure in Pima Indians.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 146-149. doi:
Clinical and genetic characteristics of type 2 diabetes with and without GAD antibodies.
T Tuomi; A Carlsson; H Li; B Isomaa; A Miettinen; A Nilsson; M Nissén; B O Ehrnström; B Forsén; B Snickars; K Lahti; C Forsblom; C Saloranta; M R Taskinen; L C Groop
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 150-157. doi:
Enhanced insulin-stimulated activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in the liver of high-fat-fed rats.
M Anai; M Funaki; T Ogihara; A Kanda; Y Onishi; H Sakoda; K Inukai; M Nawano; Y Fukushima; Y Yazaki; M Kikuchi; Y Oka; T Asano
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 158-169. doi:
Dietary flavonols protect diabetic human lymphocytes against oxidative damage to DNA.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 176-181. doi:
NIDDM is associated with lower wall shear stress of the common carotid artery.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 193-197. doi:
Metformin reduces systemic methylglyoxal levels in type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 198-202. doi:
Mutation screening and association studies of the human uncoupling protein 3 gene in normoglycemic and diabetic morbidly obese patients.
S Otabe; K Clement; S Dubois; F Lepretre; V Pelloux; R Leibel; W Chung; P Boutin; B Guy-Grand; P Froguel; F Vasseur
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 206-208. doi:
No evidence for association between IDDMK(1,2)22, a novel isolated retrovirus, and IDDM.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 209-214. doi:
The IDDMK(1,2)22 retrovirus is not detectable in either mRNA or genomic DNA from patients with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 219-222. doi:
Plasma triglyceride reduction in mice after direct injections of muscle-specific lipoprotein lipase DNA.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 223-227. doi:
Hormone-sensitive lipase, the rate-limiting enzyme in triglyceride hydrolysis, is expressed and active in beta-cells.
Diabetes January 1999, Vol.48, 228-232. doi: