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January/February 1957
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ISSN 0012-1797
EISSN 1939-327X
Third Lilly Conference on Carbutamide, Indianapolis, Indiana Sept. 13–14, 1956
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 1. doi:
Hypoglycemic Sulfonylureas in Various Types of Experimental Diabetes
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 7-12. doi:
Some Effects of BZ-55 (Carbutamide) in Experimental Animals
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 21-23. doi:
Studies of the Effect of Carbutamide on Glucose-6-Phosphatase
Carl A Kuether, Ph.D.; Earl G Scott, A.B.; Carlotta Martinez, A.B.; Henry M Lee, Ph.D.; C W Pettinga, Ph.D.
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 23-25. doi:
Effects of Substituted Sulfonylureas on Rat Diaphragm and Liver Tissue
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 26-27. doi:
Lack of Effect of Carbutamide (BZ-55) on the Metabolism of Alcohol
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 28-30. doi:
The Site of Action of the Arylsulfonylureas in Man
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 33. doi:
Observations on the Action of Tolbutamide
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 34-40. doi:
New Experimental and Clinical Results with BZ-55 (Carbutamide) in Germany
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 40-41. doi:
Metabolic Effects of Arylsulfonylurea Compounds in Normal Subjects and in Diabetic Patients
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 41-43. doi:
Metabolic Effects of Carbutamide in Diabetes and Interrelations with Glucagon: A Preliminary Report
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 45-53. doi:
Studies of the Mechanism of Action of Sulfonylurea Derivatives
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 53-54. doi:
The Effect of Sulfonylureas on the Rates of Metabolic Degradation of Insulin-I131 and Glucagon-I131 in Vivo and in Vitro
Solomon A Berson, M.D.; Rosalyn S Yalow, Ph.D.; Shirley Weisenfeld, M.D.; Martin G Goldner, M.D.; Bruno W Volk, M.D.
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 54-60. doi:
Effects of Sulfonylurea Drugs in Hospitalized Diabetic Patients
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 62-63. doi:
Sudden Death in a Diabetic Subject During Treatment with BZ-55 (Carbutamide)
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 67-70. doi:
Effects of Carbutamide in the Diabetes Associated with Acromegaly
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 70-72. doi:
Clinical Experience with Carbutamide (BZ-55): A Progress Report
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 74-77. doi:
The Influence of Carbutamide on Thyroid Function in Older Men and Women with Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 80-82. doi:
A Controlled Trial of Carbutamide in Diabetic Outpatients
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 83-84. doi:
John P. Peters 1887–1955
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 99-103. doi:
Myocardial Metabolism in Diabetes
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 95-96. doi:
Report of the Committee on Camps
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 97-98. doi:
Book Reviews
Perspectives in Physiology
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 105. doi:
The Complete Book of Low Calorie Cooking
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 105-106. doi:
Diabetes Abstracts
Organization Section
Seventeenth Annual Meeting
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 129. doi:
ADA Identification Card
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 130. doi:
News of Affiliate Associations
News of Affiliate Associations
Diabetes January 1957, Vol.6, 131. doi: