Cover Image
Cover Image
On the cover: Immunofluorescence staining of excitatory glutamatergic neurons (green) located in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus (VMN). Expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) by these neurons was induced by microinjecting a Cre-inducible EGFP viral construct (AAV1-CAG-FLEX-EGFP-WPRE) into the VMN of a mouse in which Cre recombinase is expressed under control of the VGlut2 promoter (VGlut2-IRES-Cre). Because the mouse was studied under conditions in which VMN glutamatergic neurons are not activated, the neuron activation marker (c-Fos; red) is not colocalized with GFP. Cell nuclei are depicted using DAPI staining (deep blue). The 3rd cerebral ventricle, lined on either side by tanycytes, appears on the right side of the image. Angela Leung and Caeley Bryan created the image in the laboratory of Michael W. Schwartz, University of Washington Medicine Diabetes Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. The article “Identification of Hypothalamic Glucoregulatory Neurons That Sense and Respond to Changes in Glycemia” appears in this issue of Diabetes (p. 1207).
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