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Images Wanted for the Cover of Diabetes

You're invited to submit images for use on the cover of Diabetes. Black and white or color photographic or photomicrographic images are preferable.

Images sent for consideration on the cover are not required to be related to an article submitted to or published in the journal.

You must own copyright to the image and, if chosen, must grant ADA unrestricted free use of the image to be published on the cover of the journal as well as in other ADA publications and marketing materials. If your image is selected, you must be able to provide the file in TIFF or EPS format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and no larger than 2MB.

For examples of recent Diabetes covers, visit the Online Archive. Cover image submissions should be sent to our Production team with a brief caption and complete credit information (e.g., photograph courtesy of...). Please include your manuscript tracking number (e.g., DB20-XXXX) with your submission, if applicable.

Submit your interesting images today!

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