Institutional Subscriptions FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is included in an Institutional Subscription?
2. What is considered an Institution?
3. How can I tell if my institution has subscribed to an ADA journal?
4. My institution has a subscription, but I'm not able to see the full text of articles. I'm prompted for a username and password. Why is this happening?
5. How do institutional subscriptions work with dynamic IP addresses?
6. How can I access usage reports for my institutional subscription?
7. How are the online journals and their content archived and preserved?
1. What is included in an Institutional Subscription?
Institutional subscribers receive a printed copy of the journal and access to the journal online from five IP addresses. Alternatively, an institutional subscription with a site license allows access to the journals online from all IP addresses at an institution.
2. What is considered an Institution?
An Institutional Subscription authorizes use at a localized site. A "site" is an organizational unit and may be academic or nonacademic. For organizations located in more than one city, each city office is considered a different site. For organizations within the same city that are administered independently, each office is considered a different site. For example, each campus in the State University of New York system is considered a different site, and each branch or office of UpJohn Laboratories is considered a different site.
3. How can I tell if my institution has subscribed to an ADA journal?
If your institution has a subscription, you will automatically be able to access all content hosted on the journal site. You'll also see a button at the top of the page confirming you're signed in as part of your institution’s subscription. Our server recognizes an institutional subscription via a computer or device’s IP address. Therefore, to access the journal site via your institution’s subscription, you must use a computer or device that has an IP address registered with the institutional subscription. See the next question for more information.
4. My institution has a subscription, but I'm not able to see the full text of articles. I'm prompted for a username and password. Why is this happening?
The IP address for your machine is not being recognized by our server. This failure can be caused by one of the following:
- Your administrator has not activated online access to the journal(s).
- The IP address of your machine is not one of the five IP addresses entered by the administrator who activated the online subscription (regular institutional subscriptions without a site license).
- The administrator who activated the online subscription (with site license) did not enter all of the necessary IP addresses for your institution or did not realize that some subnets of your institution are routed through a proxy server.
What should I do? Let your librarian know you are having trouble or Send Feedback to ADA so that we may investigate the issue.
5. How do institutional subscriptions work with dynamic IP addresses?
When someone attempts to access an ADA journal online, our server checks to see if the requesting computer is within the list of internet IP address provided by the subscribing institution. If your institution uses dynamic IP addresses (that is, if the IP addresses change from time to time for security purposes), the administrator can set up public username and passwords that can be used by library patrons. NOTE: To avoid misuse of the subscription, we ask that administrators regularly change the username and/or password.
If readers want to access an ADA journal online from computers that are not among the licensed IP addresses at an institutional site (e.g., from their home computers), they can do so only through an individual member or non-member subscription.
It is also possible for institutions to add IP addresses by purchasing additional institutional subscriptions; however, all IP addresses must be part of the institutional on-site network (for example, not accessed by dial-in, telnet, or commercial ISP).
6. How can I access usage reports for my institutional subscription?
Usage reports are available to all institutional subscribers. To Access Usage Reports, Manage Account Information, View or Change IP Addresses, please access the Institutional Administrator Dashboard. You will need the User ID and Password that you set up when activating your online subscription(s) to access the dashboard.
7. How are the online journals and their content archived and preserved?
ADA journals participate in both LOCKSS and CLOCKSS. LOCKSS is an open-source, library-led digital preservation system. The system allows libraries to obtain, preserve, and provide access to the e-content to which they subscribe, allowing institutions to build local collections. For more information, visit
CLOCKSS is a geographically and geopolitically distributed network of redundant archive nodes, located at 12 major research libraries around the world, dedicated to the preservation of online journals. CLOCKSS provides for content to be freely available to everyone after a "trigger event" and ensures that online journal content will be maximally accessible and useful over time. For more information, visit
Still have questions?
For further information, please contact the ADA National Office
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern time.
American Diabetes Association
Membership/Subscription Services
2451 Crystal Drive
Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22202
US Toll-Free: 800-232-3472, ext. 2343
Outside the US: 703-549-1500, ext. 2343
Fax: 703-549-6995
Email: [email protected]