Reuse, Licensing, and Public Access
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) supports access to and dissemination of ADA Journals (Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Clinical Diabetes, and Diabetes Spectrum) on the widest possible basis. Unless otherwise indicated, Scholarly articles published by ADA are freely accessible online 12 months after the print publication date. Please select the links below for more information related to ADA’s policies concerning re-use of, licensing of, and public/open access to content published in ADA journals.
- License for Non-Commercial Reuse
- Permission to Reuse
- Posting and Sharing
- Freely Accessible Content
- Funding Mandates and Public Access Compliance
- NIH Public Access Policy
- ADA “Open Choice”
- Questions
License for Non-Commercial Reuse, Version 1.0
Unless otherwise indicated, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) holds copyright on all content published in ADA journals, unless otherwise noted. Individual readers may use the content as long as the work is properly cited and linked to the version of record, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. ADA permission is required to post articles on third-party websites (unless otherwise specified below under “Article sharing and access”) or to include articles in educational materials that are sold to students or used in courses for which tuition or other fees are charged.
Agreeing to the Publisher’s license enables the Licensee to use the article anywhere in the world for non-commercial purposes, provided that the Licensee:
- Cites the article using an appropriate bibliographic citation, e.g., authors, article title, journal, volume, page numbers, DOI, and the link to the definitive published version
- Uses the article for educational and not-for-profit purposes only
- Maintains the integrity of the work by making no alterations
- Retains copyright notices and links to these terms and conditions
- Ensures that, for any content in the article that is identified as belonging to a third party, any re-use complies with the copyright policies of that third party.
By way of indication, “commercial purposes” include:
- Copying or downloading articles, or linking to such postings, for further redistribution, sale or licensing, for a fee
- Copying, downloading, or posting by a site or service that incorporates advertising or sponsorship with such content
- Inclusion or incorporation of article content in other works or services (other than normal quotations with an appropriate citation) that is then available for sale or licensing, for a fee
- Use of articles or article content (other than normal quotations with appropriate citation) by for-profit organizations for promotional purposes, whether for a fee or otherwise
- Use for the purposes of monetary reward by means of sale, resale, license, loan, transfer, or other form of commercial exploitation.
Articles published by ADA may not be included without ADA permission in educational materials that are sold to students or used in courses for which tuition or other fees are charged.
Permission to Reuse
Content published in ADA journals may not be reproduced without permission from ADA, as stated in the license above. All requests for reuse, with the exception of translations, are processed through Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). To request permission from CCC, click on "Get Permissions" link at the top of the online version of the article(s) containing the content you wish reuse.
Authors of ADA journal articles are permitted to reuse portions of their ADA-copyrighted work, including tables and figures, in their own work, and to reuse portions or all of their ADA-copyrighted work for educational purposes, without submitting a request to ADA, provided that the proper citation and copyright information is given. Examples of Acceptable Author Reuse and Sharing
Posting and Sharing
For information regarding preprint servers, institutional repository deposits, and scholarly collaboration networks, please refer to the complete policies Posting and Sharing.
Freely Accessible Content
Unless otherwise indicated, articles published in ADA journals are freely accessible online 12 months after the print publication date. In addition, many article types are made freely available online immediately upon publication.
These include:
- Editor-selected cover or feature articles
- Abstracts and extracts of research articles
- ADA-authored articles, including ADA Statements and the annual “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”
- Commentaries
- Symposia articles
- Invited articles
- Online-only “Comments & Responses” and “Observations”
- “In This Issue” article summaries
- “Patient Information” pages
- “Quality Improvement Success Stories”
- Supplemental material (via Figshare)
- Errata and other amendments
Funding Mandates and Public Access Compliance
Effective January 1, 2021, ADA has adopted the following policy related to the open accessibility of papers accepted for publication in ADA journals. This policy complies with those of several agencies and consortia (e.g., Coalition S, Wellcome Trust, UKRI, etc.) that require investigators to publish their funded research in publications that provide an option for making accepted papers openly accessible with no embargo. Authors who are funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) should refer to the next section for information on how ADA journals comply with the “NIH Public Access Policy.”
Immediately upon acceptance, authors are permitted to submit the accepted version of their manuscript (also known as the “Author Accepted Manuscript,” or AAM), with a CC BY license or a CC BY-ND license if required, to their funding body or institution for inclusion in their funding body or institution's database, archive, or designated repository (such as PubMed Central). The AAM is the version of the paper accepted for publication after changes resulting from peer review, but before editing, formatting, and production of the final PDF by ADA staff. Before depositing the AAM to a repository, authors are asked to insert the following statement on the title page and in the acknowledgments of the manuscript:
This manuscript was accepted for publication in [insert journal title] on [insert date]. The final version of the paper will be available on the [insert journal title] website at[MS NUMBER].
In the URL above, authors should insert the manuscript number that was assigned to their paper at the time of initial submission. For instance, if the assigned manuscript number was “dc21-9000,” then the URL would be formatted as “”
NIH Public Access Policy
ADA deposits the final print versions of articles funded by NIH in PubMed Central (PMC). In compliance with the NIH public access policy, these articles will appear on PMC 12 months after the print publication date in Diabetes Care, Diabetes, Clinical Diabetes, and Diabetes Spectrum. This service is provided at no additional cost to the authors.
NIH-funded authors are not required to self-deposit their accepted manuscripts in PMC because ADA will automatically deposit the final published article embargoed for public release within 12 months of issue publication. Funded authors of PMC-embargoed papers should refer to NIH’s “How to Cite” page for information on providing a valid Public Access code for indicating compliance until a PMCID is assigned. In short, the “PMC Journal In Process” designation is a valid and acceptable code that should display by default until a PMCID is assigned. For more information, see NIH Public Access Frequently Asked Questions.
ADA “Open Choice”
For authors who wish to make their published article immediately accessible to nonsubscribers, ADA Journals offer an “Open Choice” option. By paying an additional article-processing charge, authors may elect to have their articles freely available on the journal's website. Upon receipt of payment, ADA will also deposit on behalf of authors the final version of the published article into PubMed Central. Complete information regarding article-processing charges is available in Financial Obligations section of ADA’s Publication Policies and Procedures.
Open Choice articles are published under the terms of ADA’s Copyright and Reuse License, as described in “License for Non-Commercial Reuse” above.
Please feel free to send any questions about ADA's licensing and reuse policies to [email protected].