Michelle D. Owens, PhD, is a senior service fellow in the Division of Diabetes Translation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Ga. At the CDC, Dr. Owens serves as the team leader of the National Public Health Initiative on Diabetes and Women’s Health, which is developing a national action plan on diabetes and women’s health.

Dr. Owens is a licensed clinical psychologist, who earned her doctorate from the University of Massachusetts in Boston. She has focused the past 10 years of her career on issues related to women’s health and sexuality. Before coming to the CDC, she was an assistant professor and the director of Women’s Studies at the University of Baltimore, in Baltimore, Md.

Dr. Owens has extensive experience in providing consultation to various community health organizations, conducting research, and serving on multidisciplinary teams involved with women’s health issues. She draws on a wealth of knowledge and experience in curriculum development and training seminar facilitation.

Ann Albright, PhD, RD, was the associate editor in charge of coordinating this From Research to Practice section.