Paul B. Madden, MEd, serves as Special Assistant to the President, camp administrator, advocacy director, and counselor at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, Mass. He has chaired and hosted international meetings for professionals, parents, and young people with diabetes; helped found the Diabetes Camping Association; and serves in leadership roles with numerous diabetes organizations.
Mr. Madden’s advocacy work helps to ensure more focused, successful efforts benefiting people with diabetes, including comprehensive insurance coverage and stem cell research funding.
He has served as a reviewer for the journal Diabetes Care; has written on diabetes specialty camps and standards, outcomes, and diabetes care in families; and has given speeches throughout the world on motivating patients and families to embrace a more balanced life that includes diabetes.
Diana W. Guthrie, PhD, FAAN, CDE, BC-ADM, was the associate editor in charge of coordinating this From Research to Practice section.