Sue McLaughlin, RD, CDE works for the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. She practices in the pediatric and adult endocrine clinics, the diabetes education and management center, and with the American Indian tribes in Macy and Winnebago, Neb.FIG1 

She earned her bachelor of science degree in nutrition from the University of Nebraska—Lincoln and completed her dietetic internship at the Mayo Clinic/St. Marys Hospital in Rochester, Minn. During the past 20 years, she has worked in a variety of settings, including inpatient and outpatient hospital services, a Veterans Health Administration hospital, a home care agency, diabetes self-management centers, a physicians' clinic, and as a consultant to long-term care facilities and group homes for the geriatric and special-needs populations.

Ms. McLaughlin serves on her local diabetes leadership council and is a former member of American Diabetes Association (ADA) National Board of Directors. During the past year, she chaired the ADA Council Chairs' Committee and its Council on Nutritional Science and Metabolism and was a member of its Nominating and Community and Volunteer Development committees. She is past president of the Heartland Association of Diabetes Educators and a past chair of the Diabetes Care and Education dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association. She is a member of the editorial board for Diabetes Spectrum.