Jackie L. Boucher, MS, RD, CDE, earned her bachelor's degree from the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph., Minn., served her dietetic internship at Harper Hospital in Detroit, Mich., and earned her master's degree at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. She is vice president for education at the Minneapolis Heart Institute (MHI) Foundation in Minnesota. In this role,she oversees both professional and community education programs. She has been a dietitian and diabetes educator for 20 years, working with individuals with diabetes and cardiovascular disease in clinical, research, and community settings. Ms. Boucher is currently working on her graduate degree in nutrition. She is an associate editor and incoming editor-in-chief of Diabetes Spectrum. She has served in leadership positions for the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association and is a past chair of the latter organization's Diabetes Care and Education Dietetic Practice Group.FIG1 

David G. Hurrell, MD, FACC, received his medical training at the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine in Rochester, Minn. and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He is a senior consulting cardiologist at the Minneapolis Heart Institute (MHI) and directs its nuclear cardiology program. He is the medical director for quality improvement and safety for MHI and Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, Minn. He also serves as the medical director for education for the MHI Foundation. His special interests include noninvasive imaging of the heart, including nuclear cardiology and echocardiography. He is a frequent speaker on the topics of stress testing and noninvasive imaging.FIG2 

Betsy B. Dokken, PhD, NP, CDE, was the Diabetes Spectrum associate editor in charge of coordinating this From Research to Practice section.