Vanessa Jones Briscoe, PhD, NP, CDE, is an associate professor at Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU) and chair of its Department of Aging Studies. She is also a principal investigator for the Be Heart Smart program, implemented to educate minority populations about unhealthy lifestyles. Before her tenure at B-CU, she served as director for the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance Cardiovascular Health Disparities Program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and was a nurse practitioner at the Meharry Heart Clinic in Nashville, Tenn.

As an educator and health advocate, Dr. Briscoe has played an active part in the diabetes community at both the local and national levels. Locally, she is immediate past president of the ADA Nashville Community Leadership Board. At the national level, she served on the American Diabetes Association (ADA) board of directors from 2011 to 2013. She currently serves on the ADA Adult Strategies Committee and is the first chair of its Older Adult Subcommittee. She also served as a course director for the 60th and 61st ADA postgraduate courses (2012 and 2013) and was an associate editor of Diabetes Spectrum from 2012 to 2013.

Former Diabetes Spectrum Associate Editor Peggy Soule Odegard, BS, PharmD, CDE, FASCP, coordinated this From Research to Practice section.