Each year, Diabetes Spectrum calls on many scientific and medical experts in the field of diabetes to critically review submitted manuscripts. The journal’s editors and staff sincerely appreciate these reviewers, whose valuable feedback helps to ensure the high quality of the research and review articles published in each issue. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of the reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise in the past year (1 November 2016 to 31 October 2017) for their contributions to Diabetes Spectrum.

Jo Ann Ahern

Oluwaranti Akiyode

Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill

Meghan Ariagno

Martha Barnard

Joshua Barzilay

Nicola Basso

Christine Beebe

James Best

Alyson Blum

Tammi Boiko

Patrick Brady

Catherine Brown

Sandra Burke

Amy Campbell

Kam Capoccia

James Chamberlain

Naomi Chaytor

Robert Chilton

Maureen Chomko

Richard Comi

Sarah Corathers

Susan Cornell

Gillian Culbertson

Brianna Czaikowski

Beth Czerwony

Paresh Dandona

Patricia Davidson

Courtney Davis

Kathleen Dermady

Carsten Dirksen

Amy Donihi

Kimberly Driscoll

Nicole Ehrhardt

Roy Eldor

Hope Feldman

Afomia Feleke

Andreas Festa

Gabor Firneisz

Andrea Fischl

James Fitzgerald

Cynthia Fritschi

Martha Funnell

Ana Gallardo-Hernandez

Theresa Garnero

Erum Ghafoor

Elizabeth Hamilton

Deborah Holtorf

Robert Hood

Paul Iaizzo

Meghan Jardine

Jeremy Johnson

Jan Kavookjian

Janet Kelly

Phillip Kim

Joyce Lee

Gayle Lorenzi

Damien Luviano

Shideh Majidi

Melinda Maryniuk

Kimberly McKeirnan

Lauren McKnight

Lisa Meade

Graydon Meneilly

Maureen Monaghan

Christopher Nolan

Katherine O’Neal

Nora Osemene

Scott Pappada

Mary Lou Perry

Kyle Peters

Tunde Peto

Ninfa Purcell

Neesha Ramchandani

David Robbins

Helena Rodbard

Tami Ross

Barry Rovner

Laurajo Ryan

Marissa Salvo

Andrew Santeusanio

Jochen Schneider

Jennifer Smith

Guy Soo Hoo

Condit Steil

Garry Steil

Arthur Swislocki

Karen Tabb

Mitali Talsania

Robert Tanenberg

Ilker Tasci

Alyce Thomas

Curtis Triplitt

Ganesan Venkatasubramanian

Chengda Zhang

Lin Zhu

Anne Ziesmer

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