In this, my last issue as editor-in-chief of Diabetes Spectrum, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past 5 years and convey my thanks to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the many individuals I have had the privilege of interacting with during my tenure. Serving as editor for the journal has been among the most rewarding professional experiences I have engaged in thus far in my career. After I was introduced to former editor-in-chief Jackie Boucher by my mentor, the late R. Keith Campbell, in 2009, Jackie was kind enough to invite me to serve on the Diabetes Spectrum editorial board. After serving in various roles with the journal thereafter, I was fortunate enough to eventually succeed Jackie as editor in 2014. Through this role, I have had the opportunity to network with and learn from a multitude of brilliant clinicians and educators, each of whom I want to thank for an amazing experience.

I was just looking back through the issues of Diabetes Spectrum published since 2014. The first issue produced in my editorial term was particularly meaningful to me. The guest editor for that issue’s From Research to Practice Section, titled “Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes: Past, Present, and Future” (1), was none other than my mentor who had helped to usher me onto the journal’s editorial board: R. Keith Campbell. Keith, who, sadly, passed away in late 2017, was a wonderful friend with a true passion for providing excellent diabetes care and mentoring young professionals in the field. He had graciously accepted our invitation to serve as guest editor for my inaugural issue as editor-in-chief.

Together with Curtis L. Triplitt, PharmD, CDE (the associate editor who coordinated that research section), Keith convened an impressive group of invited experts as contributing authors. I remember vividly that Curtis, although fresh on the job as an associate editor, was eager to jump in and take a leadership role with Keith to pull the issue together. I was extraordinarily proud of the product our team was able to produce for our first issue under Keith’s and Curtis’ leadership.

Although the end of my term as editor is bittersweet, I am so very excited that Curtis will be assuming this role for the journal beginning with the first issue of 2019. Given Curtis’ excellence, as demonstrated not only in the production of that first research section of my tenure, but also in his active role in every issue since then, Diabetes Spectrum undoubtedly will be in great hands under his leadership.

During my tenure, I have been fortunate to work with an outstanding group of associate editors and ADA staff members, who have all made the experience both enjoyable and rewarding. Although space limitations prohibit me from naming every contributor to the 20 issues published in the past 5 years, I do want to take a moment to thank a few individuals by name. First, I want to thank Joan Garrett, Keang Hok, Christian Kohler, Shannon Potts, and Lyn Reynolds at ADA for their tireless work for and support of the entire editorial team.

I would also like to thank the amazing associate editors I have had the privilege of working with, including, in addition to Curtis, Sandra Drozdz Burke, Fran R. Cogen, Andrea Vegh Dunn, Janine Freeman, Laura B. Hieronymus, Carol J. Homko, Alan J. Kelly, Lindy Swain, and Jeffrey J. VanWormer. These individuals have done an outstanding job shepherding articles through the peer review process, coordinating research sections, and contributing in countless other ways to our efforts to produce the excellent content published within each issue of the journal.

Next, I would like to thank all of the individuals who have provided exceptional service as members of the editorial board and the excellent guest editors who volunteered their time, energy, and expertise to produce a series of clinically useful and educational From Research to Practice sections during my tenure.

Finally, I want to give a huge thanks to my friend and colleague Debbie Kendall, managing editor of Diabetes Spectrum. Debbie, who has served as managing editor since the journal’s sixth volume year in 1993, is a true pillar of the editorial team. Her institutional knowledge and work ethic are essential to the successful production of each and every Diabetes Spectrum issue.

In conclusion, it has been my absolute pleasure to serve as editor-in-chief of Diabetes Spectrum. As a continuing member of the journal’s readership, I look forward to the informative issues that Curtis and his team of associate editors have in store for us starting in 2019.

No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.

From Research to Practice: Pharmacotherapy of diabetes: past, present, and future
Diabetes Spectrum
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