Each year, Diabetes Spectrum calls on many scientific and medical experts in the field of diabetes to critically review submitted manuscripts. The journal’s editors and staff sincerely appreciate these reviewers, whose valuable feedback helps to ensure the high quality of the research and review articles published in each issue. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of the reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise in the past year (1 November 2017 to 31 October 2018) for their contributions to Diabetes Spectrum.

Jo Ann Ahern

Elina Akalestou

Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill

K. George Alberti

A. Michael Albisser

Ann Albright

Joseph Aloi

Amutha Anandakumar

James H. Anderson

Jennifer Averyt

Timothy Bailey

Sandra Barbalho

Joan Bardsley

Nisha Basu

Joni Beck

David Bell

Anne Belton

Kathy Berkowitz

Elizabeth Beverly

Marshall Block

Karen Bolderman

Antonio Carlo Bossi

Vanessa Briscoe

Dana Carroll

Maureen Chomko

Ronda Christopher

Fran Cogen

Mary Cotch

Carla Cox

Marjorie Cypress

Carl Danzig

Patricia Davidson

Maurizio Delvecchio

Jane K. Dickinson

Snehil Dixit

Hope Feldman

Afomia Feleke

Amy Fischl

Monique Francois

Marion Franz

Ana Gallardo-Hernandez

Jasmine Gonzalvo

Aidar Gosmanov

Deborah Greenwood

Rosanna Hannum

Todd Harwell

Charlotte Hayes

Sandra Hedin

Alissa Heizler-Mendoza

Debbie Hinnen

Israel Hodish

Barbara Huisamen

Andrea Hutchins

Richard Ijzerman

Roberto Illa

Jubbin Jacob

Meghan Jardine

Anne Karen Jenum

Jeremy Johnson

Jill Kanaley

Caitlin Kelly

Kathryn King

M. Sue Kirkman

Thomas Lancaster

Ginny Lewis

Terri Lipman

Andrew Macleod

Shideh Majidi

Kevin McMahon

Mary Beth Modic

Maureen Monaghan

DeAnna Mori

Vishal Parekh

Mary Lou Perry

Kyle Peters

Kim Pfotenhauer

Jessica Pierce

Gustavo Pimentel

Jeremy Pomeroy

Laura Pulkki-Raback

Basant Puri

Jennifer Raymond

Tami Ross

Gary Scheiner

Barb Schreiner

Julie Schumacher

Leslie Scott

Nirav Shah

Yousaf Shaikh

Laura Shane-McWhorter

Jay Shubrook

Evan Sisson

William Sivitz

Jennifer Smith

Min-Woong Sohn

Melissa Spezia Faulkner

Lindy Swain

Ilker Tasci

Frederique Thomas

Curtis Triplitt

Jennifer Trujillo

Judith Turner

Guillermo Umpierrez

Jeffrey VanWormer

Maya Venkataramani

Eva Vivian

Rachel Wasserman

Robin Whittemore

Befikadu Wubishet

Janice Zgibor

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