Each year, Diabetes Spectrum calls on many scientific and medical experts in the field of diabetes to critically review submitted manuscripts. The journal’s editors and staff sincerely appreciate these reviewers, whose valuable feedback helps to ensure the high quality of the research and review articles published in each issue. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of the reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise in the past year (1 November 2019 to 31 October 2020) for their contributions to Diabetes Spectrum.

Jo Ann Ahern

Andrew Ahmann

Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill

Radica Alicic

Stephanie Amiel

Amutha Anandakumar

John Anderson

David Baldwin

Sandra Barbalho

Sateesh Belemkar

Gretchen Benson

Nicole Bereolos

Cari Berget

Ashay Bhatwadekar

Veronica Brady

Lisa Brown

Chad Carroll

James Chamberlain

Maureen Chomko

Fran Cogen

Erica Crannage

Patricia Davidson

Maartje de Wit

Michelle DeGeeter

Maurizio Delvecchio

Paddy Dempsey

Jane K. Dickinson

Oralia Dominic

Danny Duke

Trisha Dunning

Christoph Ebenbichler

Anna Egan

Nicole Ehrhardt

Amy Fischl

Michael J. Fowler

Katharine Garvey

Christopher Giuliano

Jennifer Goldstein

Amber Healy

Bree Holtz

Byron Hoogwerf

Yen-Ming Huang

Diana Isaacs

Meghan Jardine

Sarah Jaser

Jeremy Johnson

Tammie Johnson

Louise Kelly

Georgeanna Klingensmith

Klaus Kohnert

Mary Korytkowski

Cecilia Low Wang

Sarah MacLeish

Ken Madden

Shideh Majid

Ryan McDonough

Margaret McGill

Jennifer Merrill

Basem Mishriky

Mark Molitch

Maureen Monaghan

Cheyenne Newsome

Ashley Ng

Cesar Palerm

Francisco Pasquel

Mary Perry

Jessica Pierce

Jeremy Pomeroy

Katia Christina Portero McLellan

Rishi Raj

Rithwick Rajagopal

Neesha Ramchandani

Ajaykumar Rao

Russell Ravert

Julio Rebolledo

Maria Redondo

Marc Rendell

Terry Ridge

Robert Rushakoff

Laura Shane-McWhorter

Jaclyn Shepard

Jay Shubrook

Elias Spanakis

Shawn Taylor

Mustafa Tosur

Jennifer Trujillo

Patti Urbanski

Ashby Walker

Garry Welch

Sarah Westen

Eugene Wright

Judith Wylie-Rosett

Michael Yafi

William Yancy, Jr.

Li-Jun Yang

Clipper Young

Lin Zhu

Margaret Zupa

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